
street style barbara crespo athens greece travels holidays cruise parthenon acropolis
A estas alturas, cuando el verano ya queda lejos, parece un sueño haber estado en la Acrópolis de Atenas. Es increíble lo rápido que pasa el tiempo! Y más teniendo en cuenta que el mes de septiembre ha comenzado con fuerza y hay mil novedades de las que tengo que hablaros. Poco a poco…
Para empezar el look que llevé para recorrer las maravillas de Atenas y el barrio de Plaka. Prendas cómodas y en colores claros para huir del calor. Espero que os guste!
Atentos a mis RRSS que esta semana viene entretenida. Estaré en Düselldorf con C&A. Nos vemos!!!
The time goes pass, and the summer goes too, it seems like a dream to have been at the Acropolis in Athens just a few weeks ago. It is amazing how the time passes so quickly. And it goes even quicker when the month of September has been such a busy one! I have lots of news that I have to tell you all about. Slowly but surely…

To begin with, a look to go around the wonder of Athens and Plaka quarters. Confortable clothes and with light colours to scape the summer´s heat. Hope you like it!!

Have a look to my RRSS, this week are really interesting!! I will be in Düselldorf with C&A. Hope you like it!!


street style barbara crespo athens greece travels holidays cruise parthenon acropolis
street style barbara crespo athens greece travels holidays cruise parthenon acropolis
street style barbara crespo athens greece travels holidays cruise parthenon acropolis
street style barbara crespo athens greece travels holidays cruise parthenon acropolis
street style barbara crespo athens greece travels holidays cruise parthenon acropolis
street style barbara crespo athens greece travels holidays cruise parthenon acropolis
street style barbara crespo athens greece travels holidays cruise parthenon acropolis
street style barbara crespo athens greece travels holidays cruise parthenon acropolis
street style barbara crespo athens greece travels holidays cruise parthenon acropolis
street style barbara crespo athens greece travels holidays cruise parthenon acropolis
Easy Wear ethnic top
Zara shorts
Mango boots
Loewe bag
Carrera sunglasses

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