

street style barbara crespo eleven paris tshirt colors hat fashion blogger outfit
Vamos a ponerle color a este frío con una camiseta molona. Qué rollo tanto día grís y apagado, verdad? Por eso se agradecen prendas como esta que llena de fuerza cualquier conjunto como este, basado en el negro.

Espero que este look os sirva de inspiración para aprovechar alguno de esos shorts que seguro tenéis y que podéis llevar en invierno con media tupida y botas. Así rompéis con la rutina del pantalón que seguro que manda en vuestro día a día. Besos!!!

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Lets give a bit of colour to this cold and grey day with a fancy t-shirt. It is so boring having all the time such a grey days isn’t it? That´s why it´s so good to have clothes like this one, fills up with energy any looks to combine it with black.

I hope this look gives you the inspiration to use any of those shorts that you have at home and that you can adapt it in winter with a pair of tights and some boots. In this way you can break with the monotony of the pants that it is sure you wear them every day. Kisses!!

street style barbara crespo eleven paris tshirt colors hat fashion blogger outfit
street style barbara crespo eleven paris tshirt colors hat fashion blogger outfit
street style barbara crespo eleven paris tshirt colors hat fashion blogger outfit
street style barbara crespo eleven paris tshirt colors hat fashion blogger outfit
street style barbara crespo eleven paris tshirt colors hat fashion blogger outfit
street style barbara crespo eleven paris tshirt colors hat fashion blogger outfit
street style barbara crespo eleven paris tshirt colors hat fashion blogger outfit
street style barbara crespo eleven paris tshirt colors hat fashion blogger outfit

Mango abrigo/coat. Similar here / here
Eleven París camiseta/tshirt (here)
The Corner shorts (here)
Arte o Necesidad botines/booties. Similar here
By Neska Polita pulsera/bracelet (here)
A Bicyclette pulsera/bracelet (here)
Miu Miu pulsera/bracelet
Beautyque Nail Bar manicura/manicure

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