crystal print

street style barbara crespo crystal print dress sheinside fashion blogger outfit
Qué «tostón» me habéis dado en Instagram (@barbaracrespo sígueme!!!) con este vestido que según muchas me hacía embarazada. Me sentía casi como las famosas, desmintiendo rumores; poco más y doy un comunicado jajaja

Este tipo de vestidos rectos suponen un arma de doble filo; por una parte esconden formas, pero por otra parte, pueden hacer creer que quieres esconder algo. 

Vamos con la lección de estilo de hoy. Si te pasa como a mí que tienes pecho, este tipo de vestidos quedan muy voladitos y añaden volumen. Combínalos con un chaleco o chaquetita que aporte líneas verticales y estilice. Un besazo a tod@s.

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What a nuisance in Instagram!! hahaha (@barbaracrespo follow me!!!), It seem that with this dress I look like I was pregnant. Well I am not, I almost felt like one of those famous, saying on the news that I wasn’t pregnant.

This sort of dress with straight shape it is double edged, you can hide your imperfections but it can also make you think that you have something to hide.

Lets go with a style lesson for today. If this happens like it happens to me that I have volume on my breasts this kind of dresses can add volume. The best way to rest volume, it´s to combine it with a waistcoat or cardigan to add vertical lines to look more slender. Big kisses to everyone!!

street style barbara crespo crystal print dress sheinside fashion blogger outfit
street style barbara crespo crystal print dress sheinside fashion blogger outfit
street style barbara crespo crystal print dress sheinside fashion blogger outfit
street style barbara crespo crystal print dress sheinside fashion blogger outfit
street style barbara crespo crystal print dress sheinside fashion blogger outfit
street style barbara crespo crystal print dress sheinside fashion blogger outfit
street style barbara crespo crystal print dress sheinside fashion blogger outfit
street style barbara crespo crystal print dress sheinside fashion blogger outfit

The Corner chaleco vaquero/denim vest
Front Row Shop vestido/dress (here)
Zara botines/booties
Mango gafas de sol/sunnies. Similar here
Beautyque Nail Bar manicura/manicure

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