
street style barbara crespo maggie the simpsons sweatshirt outfit C&A hunter boots autumn day
Quién no conoce la melodía de Los Simpsons que daba comienzo a la serie? Los dibujos más originales, mordaces, entretenidos y divertidos! Súper fan! Así que cómo iba a resistirme a esta sudadera!!! Imposible verdad? jajaja
Como el día estaba lluvioso, saqué mis Hunter del armario a pasear por el Paseo del Prado, que en otoño es una belleza! Espero que os guste el look!
Un besazo!
Who doesn’t know the music from the Simpsons? This original, scathing, witty cartoons! Real fun!! I couldn´t resist to this sweatshirt, could you? It was impossible!! hahaha

The day was a bit rainy, so I got my Hunter out of the cupboard and let´s go for a walk to Paseo El Prado, the autumn was arriving with all its beauty. Hope you like this look!!

Huge kiss!

street style barbara crespo maggie the simpsons sweatshirt outfit C&A hunter boots autumn day
street style barbara crespo maggie the simpsons sweatshirt outfit C&A hunter boots autumn day
street style barbara crespo maggie the simpsons sweatshirt outfit C&A hunter boots autumn day
street style barbara crespo maggie the simpsons sweatshirt outfit C&A hunter boots autumn day
street style barbara crespo maggie the simpsons sweatshirt outfit C&A hunter boots autumn day
street style barbara crespo maggie the simpsons sweatshirt outfit C&A hunter boots autumn day
street style barbara crespo maggie the simpsons sweatshirt outfit C&A hunter boots autumn day
street style barbara crespo maggie the simpsons sweatshirt outfit C&A hunter boots autumn day
street style barbara crespo maggie the simpsons sweatshirt outfit C&A hunter boots autumn day
C&A Maggie sweatshirt
Denim shorts
Military jacket
Hunter boots
C&A cap
Gucci bag

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