C&A light night shopping

the light night shopping C&A opening gran via madrid barbara crespo ambassador outfit fashion bloggers
Impresionante la fiesta que montón C&A en plena Gran Vía de Madrid! Desfiles, dj de lujo, gente guapa, música y vosotras, las que pudisteis acercaros, disfrutando a mi lado de un acontecimiento maravilloso y de mis servicios como personal shopper. A la cita acudí con Silvia (Bartabac) y Belén (Balamoda), las otras dos embajadoras de la firma, fantásticas como siempre!.
Si aun no habéis estado en la tienda, os aconsejo que vayáis porque os va a sorprender. Varias plantas con ropa y complementos para chicos, chicas …. Te vuelves loco escogiendo!!!! Se nota el nuevo giro de la marca y vais a encontrar prendas muy tendencia. Yo soy súper fan de la colección Clockhouse que ofrece moda grunge rock, de inspiración casual chic y un toque muy sexy y rockero
Espero que disfrutéis un poco de todo lo que viví esa mágica noche a través de las fotos!
Beso enorme!!!
It was an amazing party the one that C&A did, just in one of the best spots of the city, Gran Via, Madrid!!! Fashion show, a deluxe Dj, pretty people, music and all of you, the ones that could also come to the party, we enjoy it together so much, a wonderful event and me doing my job, a personal shopper. I went to the party with the other two ambassadors of the firm, Silvia (Bartabac) and Belén (Balamoda), amazing like always!.

If you haven’t been yet to the shop, go and pay a visit it is worth it!!! Several floors full of cloths and complements for boys and girls… you can get mad around it!!! It is pretty visible the new wave style on their clothes and you can find trendy stuff there… I have become a real fun of the Clockhouse collection, which offers grunge, rocker and casual chic with a sexy touch on their style.

I hope you enjoy too the little magic I lived that night through this photos!!!

Big kisses

the light night shopping C&A opening gran via madrid barbara crespo ambassador outfit fashion bloggers
the light night shopping C&A opening gran via madrid barbara crespo ambassador outfit fashion bloggers
the light night shopping C&A opening gran via madrid barbara crespo ambassador outfit fashion bloggers
the light night shopping C&A opening gran via madrid barbara crespo ambassador outfit fashion bloggers
the light night shopping C&A opening gran via madrid barbara crespo ambassador outfit fashion bloggers
the light night shopping C&A opening gran via madrid barbara crespo ambassador outfit fashion bloggers
the light night shopping C&A opening gran via madrid barbara crespo ambassador outfit fashion bloggers
the light night shopping C&A opening gran via madrid barbara crespo ambassador outfit fashion bloggers
C&A total look

19 comentarios en “C&A light night shopping

  1. ¿¿Sombrero de noche y en un sitio cerrado??
    Será muy fashion pero te has pasado el protocolo por el mismísimo arco del triunfo!
    No me gusta.

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