silver gladiators

street style silver gladiators barbara crespo outfit
Una de las bandas sonoras preferidas de Sergio es la de Gladiator. Me viene a la cabeza cada vez que me pongo estas sandalias jajaja
Es un apasionado de las bandas sonoras y a menudo suenan en su ipod. La de Amelie le apasiona también y a mí, que la he oído mil veces me trae los mejores recuerdos. Cuál es tu banda sonora favorita?
Feliz día!

street style silver gladiators barbara crespo outfit
street style silver gladiators barbara crespo outfit
street style silver gladiators barbara crespo outfit
street style silver gladiators barbara crespo outfit
street style silver gladiators barbara crespo outfit
street style silver gladiators barbara crespo outfit
street style silver gladiators barbara crespo outfit
One of Sergio´s favourite film soundtracks is the one from Gladiator, it comes to mind every time I wear this sandals, hahaha

He loves the soundtracks from films and he often listens to them in his Ipod, Amelie is the one that we love most, even me! I have heard it so many times as it reminds me of so many good things. Which is your favourite soundtrack?

Have a good day!!
Argot & Margot dress (by Chloét Moda París)
Nine West gladiator sandals
E-Bay bag
Mango sunglasses

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